28 February 2009

First Two Months Down...Ten More To Go

My first 2 months of doing the photo a day are done and here are collages of all the pictures from January and February. I hope you are enjoying my photos. I am looking forward to spring and summer so I can get outside more.

January 2009

February 2009

28 February 2009 Photo: Double Bubble

I remember going to the grocery store with my mother as a kid. We always went on Fridays to Big M, Big G or Almacs. I was the youngest and everyone else was in school so I had my mom all to myself. Excitement erupted when she would give me some change to go get a double bubble gum ball. My favorite color was red! What was yours?

27 February 2009

27 February 2009 Photo: Splish Splash

The snow in our yard is about gone AGAIN...hopefully for good this time! It all melted a couple weeks ago, then we got another 8 inches while I was in Portland, OR. As I was walking in the door today, I noticed the drips coming from the gutter. I hope this is truly the spring thaw and we are done with snow. I know, I know, it's only February...but I can hope can't I?!?

26 February 2009 Photo: GPS and Mud Season

While I was leaving a school in the "country" (aka the sticks), I set my GPS to get me to my next location. I have become an idiot in directions since I got this technology last year. I knew where I was going and how to get back to the highway but like that informercial about an oven...I set it and forget it.

Next thing I know I am driving down a dirt road in the middle of the spring thaw and the mud was thick and deep. My first experience of "mud season" was when I went to school in Keene. We don't have mud season in RI. I had flashbacks of getting stuck in the mud and getting really dirty. Luckily that did not happen this time but I did see this cool barn while I was driving through the mud.

25 February 2009

25 February 2009 Photo: I'm Melting...MELTING!!!

I love icecles and and have fond memories of breaking them off as a kid to eat and smash on the ground. I have been trying to take pictures of them all year for this blog. I have seen icecles of all shapes and sizes including one that started at the roof of the house and went all the way down to the ground. I took many photos of them, but I never liked the ones I took...until today!

The sun was catching the icecle just right that it was starting to melt and believe me that is a miracle beacause it is still cold! It took several tries, but I caught a finally drip in the frame of the photograph. I could hear the voice of the wicked witch in my head as I was watching it drip...I'm melting...melting! Truth be told - I am ready for them to melt all the way, ever last one of them. Bring on the spring!!!!

24 February 2009

24 February 2009 Photo(s): I Wonder If It Still Smells

I was in Keene, NH today on my way to an appointment in Rindge, NH. I was able to stop and have lunch with my friend Mark. He is the person I "blame" for my career in higher education! Thanks Mark :) I am always amazed how much Keene seems to change everytime I am here, but it is still a quaint New England town. And a bit of trivia for you...it is where the movie Jumanji was filmed.

While I wandering around campus thinking about where I wanted to take my photo of the day, I passed by my first "home" in college. Because I had decided to go to KSC past the deadline, I did not get on campus housing my freshman year and had to live in an apartment off campus. The photo above is my home away from home where I lived with 3 other people. It was a fun year but it was certainly difficult to live off campus your first year of college. Bruder Street has many memories...I wonder if this place still smells like beer?

The photo below is the place that I went to think...I spent a lot of time at Brickyard Pond. I am sad to see buildings surrounding it on all sides now. It is not quite as tranquil and inviting as it used to be.

23 February 2009

23 February 2009 Photo: Green Man

This is one of Bill's Green Man carvings. These are another set of items that I never paid much attention to until I met him. Now I notice them everywhere.

From wikipedia, "The Green Man motif has many variations. Found in many cultures around the world, the Green Man is often related to natural vegetative deities springing up in different cultures throughout the ages. Primarily it is interpreted as a symbol of rebirth, or "renaissance," representing the cycle of growth each spring. Some speculate that the mythology of the Green Man developed independently in the traditions of separate ancient cultures and evolved into the wide variety of examples found throughout history."

I am ready for the rebirth and for spring so get busy Green Men around the world. It's time for a new cycle of growth!

22 February 2009

22 February 2009 Photo: Honorable Mention

When I was in high school, the yearbook advisor entered one of my photos into our town photo contest. My photo was titled "Beach Fronds" and it won honorable mention. I was passing by these on the way home from the gym today and it reminded me of my photo so many years ago only these were dusted with snow and not near the ocean.

21 February 2009

21 February 2009 Photo: Stare Down

I made it home despite the snow storm in Chicago. In the airport in Portland, I was buying a diet coke and looked behind me and saw Joe Piscopo. I then looked down on the counter and he was buying "bear poop" candy. I was not able to get bumped up to first class because he was sitting in my seat. What's up with that...does he think he is a celebrity or something?

Anyway, I didn't get a picture of him but on the way home we past the farm down the road and the cows and horses were out. I had Bill pull over and found this one staring at me!

20 February 2009 Photo: Reflective Movement

I am on my way home tonight...taking the red eye. My route is PDX-ORD-SYR and in 2 of these 3 cities, it is snowing! I just hope that I am not delayed in Chicago. Anyway, I was going to take the super shuttle to the airport but the idiot at the Hilton neglected to tell me that the last one was at 7:20PM so I had to run to catch the train to the airport. It worked out fine, I just was a bit more rushed than I would have liked but here I am at the airport wishing for safe on-time travel.

19 February 2009 Photo: Beavers Everywhere

During my time in Portland, I walked by these beaver sculptures several times. I thought it would have been funny to take a staff picture with the beavers since Arcadia University used to be called Beaver College but we didn't get everyone to the "beaver dam" for the photo op. So I had to settle for a lone beaver pictures.

18 February 2009

18 February 2009 Photo: Narrow Beauty

When I opened the curtains to check the weather, I was welcomed by the sun rising between the buildings downtown. While it only gives me a narrow slice of the beauty of the Portland area, it inspires me to go out and explore if I get a free moment during the conference.

17 February 2009 Photo: Watching You

Do you ever feel like someone is watching you? Looking across at the building from my hotel in Portland, you can see into the world of people who don't know or don't care that they are watching. While it is just as easy to see in my house windows, there are a lot fewer people watching on my dead end street!

17 February 2009

16 February 2009 Photo: How Do I Get To...?

On our way to dinner tonight, we passed this sign. I thought it was extremely appropriate as I was walking with about 15 people who work in the field of study abroad. So if you are ever in the middle of Portland and want to know how many miles it is to _________ just find this sign.

16 February 2009

15 February 2009 Photo: West Coast Wanderings

I did make it to Portland, Oregon and was happy to be in first class on the longer leg of the trip. I love when I get bumped up but it makes it so much more difficult when I have to be back with the commoners ;) I will defitely need to write a nice letter to United for making my mistakes less painful.

Anyway, it was a lovely ride to the west coast and the scenery was wonderful. This photo was taken as we are getting ready to land in Portland of Mt Hood. It has been about 10 years since I was last here. This really is gorgeous country out here and will need to come back with Bill someday as he has not been to this part of the country.

14 February 2009

14 February 2009 Photo: Seasoned Traveler???

Funny story...at this exact moment, I expected to be on a plane to Chicago and then onto Portland, Oregon. As I was getting ready today...packing, making a list and checking it twice, printing off my hotel and flight confirmation WHAT!!!??? WAIT?!?! I can't believe United screwed up my flight! Why does it have February 15th on my ticket confirmation? What the @#$*?

So after I stopped freaking out and checked to see who made the mistake, I realized it was ME!!! I know...impossible for the seasoned traveler that I am but it was true. So after calling United twice and speaking to someone in India both times, they were VERY unhelpful. So I decided to take my chances and go to the airport to see if there was a slim chance in hell to get me on a flight today or at least in Portland before my meeting tomorrow at 6pm. I entered the airport and there was a line snaking by the United check in counter so I knew it did not look good.

After planning my sob story, I was amazed and confused by the VERY HELPFUL agent at the counter. She laughed at my story and apologized that she could not get me on a flight tonight as everything was oversold and people were getting bumped off their flights already. I asked if there was any chance to get to Portland before 5pm tomorrow...I knew where was only one flight as I did my homework. Again no luck but she could get me there at 5:47 PM. Great! I'll take it. I was in awe when she handed me the tickets and I was in FIRST CLASS from Chicago to Portland and she did not charge me a change fee! After some VERY bad service with USAirways in the recent past, which I wrote a angry letter about, I feel like a letter of merit is due to United for this agent's help. Hmmm...maybe I will wait to see if the flights go without a hitch tomorrow and my luggage arrives with me.

So I am delayed a bit and had to cancel plans with a high school friend for tomorrow but all it all it worked out as well as could be expected. Since I was able to re-schedule seeing my friend and his family, no big loss except I will be a few minutes late to a dinner. Another lesson learned...check, double check and TRIPLE check when buying airline tickets. So I get to spend Valentine's Day with Bill afterall...

13 February 2009

13 February 2009 Photo: Triskaidekaphobia

Do you have Triskaidekaphobia ? Today is Friday the 13th and the number 13 has a long history debating whether it is a lucky or unlucky numbers.

In the U.S. there are many traditions to avoid the number 13...many buildings do not have a 13th floor, some cities with numbered streets do not have a 13th Street, there is not a cinema 13 in the some theaters.

However in some cases, just the opposite is true. Just down the road a piece is Colgate University and they consider 13 to be a lucky number. They were founded in 1819 by 13 men with 13 dollars, 13 prayers, and 13 articles. (To this day, members of the Colgate community consider the number 13 a good omen.) In fact, the campus address is 13 Oak Drive in Hamilton, NY and the all men a cappella group is called the Colgate 13.

Today, for me 13 is a lucky number. Since I am leaving for a conference tomorrow, Bill decided February 13th was going to be our Valentine's Day. I got beautiful flowers and he is making dinner for me (we'll see if I can keep my nose out of the kitchen).

12 February 2009

12 February 2009 Photo: Mystical Village

While I was driving to my meeting today, I passed through Mystic, CT. I grew up only 10 miles from here and I'm always amazed when I get back to the area and realize what an idyllic community I had the pleasure of living in during my childhood.  This photo is taken in the downtown Mystic area looking toward Mystic Seaport.  Another wonderful place to visit if you are ever in the area...great little specialty stores, art galleries and scenery!

11 February 2009 Photo: Another Puppy Blog?!?!

I was able to stop by and see some of my family yesterday between school visits.  It was great to see everyone and wonderful to see my nephew's puppy, Holly, that he got for Christmas.  She is very cute but hyper and growing like a weed!  They have a lot of training to do with her but for now she is just adorable.

10 February 2009

10 February 2009 Photo: Federal Hill

This photo was taken in the Federal Hill area of Providence, RI.  Federal Hill was historically the "Little Italy" of Providence, although today it is much more diverse. The first time I remember going to Federal Hill was with my high school Italian class.  We were brought here for one of the Italian festivals where they closed down the street and painted the stripe in the road red, green and white.  I have very fond memories of that day.

Since then I have been here many times as an adult.  There are amazing restaurants in this short 1/4 mile so if you are ever in the Providence, this is definitely a place to get some good eats! Tonight I met my friend Scott to grab a drink and catch up on life and his hotel was the inspiration for this photo.  This area is quintessential RI and makes me miss the Ocean State. 

09 February 2009

9 February 2009 Photo: Blue Skies

It had been a glorious weekend...the weather was warmer, the snow was melting, the sun was shining and I can finally see grass in my yard for the first time in months. It's very muddy but at least it is a sign of spring. The weeks and weeks of bitterly cold weather with too much snow was getting old.

As I was driving to New England early this morning, there was an amazingly yellow full moon still shining bright as the sun was coming up. I wished I had stopped the car and taken a photo but I was pressed for time. So when I got to my destination, the blue sky was vibrant and again with NO SNOW falling! Can you tell I am ready for spring???

08 February 2009

8 February 2009 Photo: Cross Your Toes

Gargoyles...the first person who introduced me to these creatures was my friend Dan.  When I first started working at Cornell, Dan and I lived next door to each other in the gothic residence halls.  He had many gargoyles in his apartment and told me about their histories and locations.  Since then I have been looking for them all over the world. I also married a man who was equally as intrigued by these creatures. We have several of them all over our house and this one, Dedo, is one of my favorites!

The "Legend" of Dedo

"It all began in Paris when the Notre Dame Cathedral was being built, rising majestically stone by stone towards the heavens. It was custom to top each structure with a menacing gargoyle, who protected the cathedral by warding off evil spirits.

Marie Therese, a nun from a tiny convent in Provence, disliked the evil-looking gargoyles on the new cathedral, sitting so close to the heavens.

Disguised as a man, she trekked on foot to Paris, entered the work site, and quickly carved a small block into a lovable, protective creature. She placed her creature, with its pointy ears and human-like feet, on the highest roof, visible only to God Himself.

It was undiscovered for centuries until a small boy, lost in the labyrinthine structure, stumbled off a ledge and rolled down a roof into the arms of the littlest gargoyle, perched quietly on a ledge. Since that time, Marie Therese's creature was affectionately known as Little Dedo, the gargoyle with the crossed toes." 

7 February 2009 Photo: Not This Year

As my friends are preparing for a semi-regular trip to Puerto Rico, I am realizing what a foolish decision it was not to go this year. The prolonged cold weather coupled with the stress of Bill's job situation would have made this a perfect year to escape reality. We have been going to Rincon and staying in these great Sunset Paradise Villas for many years. It is one of the only vacation spots I have returned to several times and where I can actually go and relax. We do nothing by swim, read, dive, snorkel, walk on the beach and look for whales from the balcony. Usually when I travel, I spend so much time seeing sites, museums, driving around, but in Rincon I can just live in the moment.

I wish my friends a wonderful time with clear waters, warm weather and good food. Think of me as you are basking in the sun and looking for sea turtles!

06 February 2009

6 February 2009 Photo: Part-Time Shut In

When I get home from being on the road all week for work, sometimes I don't want to venture very far out of the house. I feel badly because Bill will want to go for dinner or something and all I want to do is chill at home with a peanut butter sandwich and catch up on what's been DVR'ed. After working from home today, it was one of those days. There are times when being a quasi-shut in is appealing after driving almost 800 miles in a week.

So the photo today is looking out the dew covered window of the front door when I went to see if the mail had come yet. I asked Bill to go get the mail :)

05 February 2009

5 February 2009 Photo: Spring Thaw?

Don't let the rushing water fool you. It is not really a spring thaw. It was absolutely frigid today but I did find a waterway that was not completely frozen over. This is not too far from our house and I saw it as I was driving home from being away all week.

As I was traveling home, I realized that I am very ready for spring. The lack of color, dirty piles of snow, salt covered car and cold ard really starting to get to me. So when the spring thaw truly happens, I will be jumping for joy!

04 February 2009

4 February 2009 Photo: Hangin' With The Ponies

I have been in the Saratoga Springs area for the last couple of days. As a friend said...it's better to be hangin' with the ponies than swimmin' with the fishes.

Saratoga is a quaint little town with a lot of character, beautiful old houses and, of course, the Saratoga Race Track. I always seem to be here in the winter but will have to come through in the summer as it looks like a great place to spend a weekend. I saw one of the best concerts of my life at SPAC (Saratoga Performing Arts Center about 10 or 12 years ago. It was Melissa Etheridge and she was amazing! There are also several lakes close by that would be great to check out as well. It's on the list!

03 February 2009

3 February 2009 Photo: Art For Art's Sake

I was at Mass College of Art today for work and I am always jealous of the students who are going to school there because I wish I had followed my dream and gone to school for photography. I always enjoy speaking to the students and helping them to find someplace to study abroad to continue exploring their medium. This picture above was from the lobby of one of the buildings which I thought particularly captured the essence of the study abroad fair I was at today.

Does anyone out there remember Captain Bob. He was on TV in the early 70's in the New England area. He did a drawing show and I was front and center every weekend watching and drawing with the Captain. It is a vivid memory on my childhood and I was pretty good at drawing too. If I had to do it all over again, I would have pursued the arts more.

02 February 2009

2 February 2009 Photo: Warm and Toasty

Happy Groundhog's Day! Since I was not able to be in Punxsutawney to see Phil, I decided to counteract his predicted six more weeks of winter by sitting near a warm fire while at dinner in Jamaica Plain with Michael and John.

We have a fireplace at home but we have not had a fire yet this year...this has made me want to have one this weekend when I get home. I am sure it will still be cold enough! Maybe we will have chestnuts roasting on an open fire...or maybe we will have Phil!!!

01 February 2009

1 February 2009 Photo: Spooky Snow?

As I was getting the groceries out of the car today, I looked down at the drive way and saw several areas that looked like what only could be described as spooky ghost faces. Then I remembered my husband told me that we had a rabbit hole going through the snow to where they like to live under the deck. When I looked closer I realized these were rabbit footprints. We have anywhere from 3-6 rabbits living in our yard at any time (at least that we see regularly). Mona loves to chase them but luckily she is not fast enough to catch them. I love when the babies are born each year and will try to photograph them in the spring when they are not hiding in the snow. Here is the hole below...