30 November 2009

Nonsensical November

Somehow I survived this month...but I am not sure how! The cast is off but I am still not back to 100% but here's hoping for a better December!

30 November 2009 Photo: Just Another Manic Monday Mona

She doesn't look very manic in this picture but just say the words, "outside" or "treat" or "pizza" and she will start hopping around like a bunny.

29 November 2009 Photo: Lingering Sunshine

A lovely sunny day before the harsh grey winter enters.

28 November 2009

28 November 2009 Photo: Ahhhh Home

I am happy to be home in my peaceful and quiet space surrounded by my stuff and just Mona and Bill. While I always enjoy spending time with my family and Bill's family, it is so nice to get back to our own corner of the world where we can control our environment!

27 November 2009 Photo: Chaos Central

So I was asked to take a picture of all the grandchildren of my sister-in-law's family. Here is one of the shots taken in a situation where the lighting was bad, the background not great and the children were cute but crazed. All that being said, it came out ok! How do you get 9 children from ages 2-12 to cooperate, all look in the same direction and smile on cue? If you know, feel free to share.

26 November 2009

26 November 2009 Photo(s): Gobble Gobble

Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Birthday to my sister Anne Marie.

Bill and I don't always come to RI for Thanksgiving but decided to make the trek this year. I am glad we did. It was a fabulous day and the only thing missing was the birthday girl. My family is crazy and loud but I wouldn't trade them for anything. Here is the yearly picture of the "dead end kids" minus one. My oldest nephew left and was supposed to come by but he never did so I will have to photoshop him in at some point.

Before dinner, Bill and I took Angelee down to the beach..here is one of Angelee and Uncle Butterscotch, which is what she affectionately calls him.

25 November 2009

25 November 2009 Photo: Be Thankful For Pies - OH and Cheesecake

I helped my sister make a whole bunch of pies today. I think the last count was 8 pies and a cheesecake. What are you thankful for?

24 November 2009 Photo: Elementary, My Dear Watson!

If I haven't mentioned it before, Bill loves castles. We had some time on our drive to RI so I brought him by Gillette's Castle in Hadlyme, CT. I haven't been there in probably 20 years and unfortunately because I am still unsteady on the foot, I walked as much as possible but let Bill go explore the castle on his own. This castle was built by William Gillette who is most famous for his portrayal of Sherlock Holmes. http://www.friendsofgillettecastle.org/about_us.asp

Oh and by the way...the cast is off but I still have a walking cast. Still annoying but at least I can take it off to drive and shower! Always look on the bright side...

23 November 2009

23 November 2009 Photo: He Knows If You've Been Bad Or Good

Christmas came early for me today! I got a new flash for my camera. Sure, I know for many of your this is not such a big deal but I am very excited about it. I took this picture with my new flash...it was done in a dark hallway. I really like the effect of the Christmas lights we have in the tree outside. Thanks Santa Bill!

22 November 2009

22 November 2009 Photo: Pushing The Season

Yes, I know it is a bit early to be decorating for Christmas. Last year we FROZE when we put up the outside lights so we decided to take advantage of today's warmer than usual weather. Since it was 54 degrees today, we were able to be outside without having numb fingers, toes and noses.

21 November 2009 Photo: Every Time A Bell Rings...

It's that time of year...time to start decking the halls, fa la la la laing and watching one of my favorite movies of all times...It's A Wonderful Life. And as we all know, every time a bell rings an angel gets it's wings!!!

20 November 2009

20 November 2009 Photo: Hi There My Name is Dug...SQUIRREL!

If you have seen the movie Up! you will understand the title. If not, rent it...but be prepared to cry and laugh! Here is a little taste: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FmsLUNFk_Qg

19 November 2009 Photo: A Few Of Bill's Favorite Things

Rainy weather made me look for a picture in the house. I snapped a shot some of Bill's favorite things...books, pubs and Guinness.

18 November 2009

18 November 2009 Photo: Say CHEEEEESE

...and do a happy dance because the cast is coming off in 6 days!!!! I was supposed to have it on until the Monday after Thanksgiving but I called the doctor today and asked if they could take it off a few days early! They said YES!!!

17 November 2009 Photo: Dreaming Of Fires

As the temperature begins to plummet and my toes are freezing, I am dreaming of building fires in the fireplace. I walked/hobbled into the pantry and saw these hanging on the wall. This little broom and shovel where here when we moved into the house and I just can't seem to get rid of them. I just think they are cute! And yes that old plank wood in the background is the original wood this house was built with in 1825...crazy, huh?

16 November 2009

16 November 2009 Photo: Happiness Forever

Almost 13 years ago, I went to China while I working for Semester at Sea. We visited with students at Peking University and one of the students wrote this for me on some rice paper which I got mounted. This was the beginning of a real love affair with travel. I am getting the itch again and dreaming about places like the Maldives, Belize, Thailand. I need to play the lottery more! Yes, I know I already travel more than most for work but I just want to travel for fun fun fun!

15 November 2009

15 November 2009 Photo: The Ugly Duckling

Since I am a shut in these days, I have to rely on Bill to take me out for rides. I almost went rogue and drove myself - is it illegal to drive with a cast? Yeah, yeah, I know it would not be brightest thing I have done. Well, I behaved and waited for him to take me. Today we went to a neighboring town and found this lone swan chillin' in the pond. Seeing beautiful swans always reminds me of The Ugly Duckling story by Hans Christian Andersen.

14 November 2009 Photo: More People In Our 'Hood

I have only been in this store a few time but I love the items in it. The Colonial Housefitter (http://quillandwell.com/the-colonial-housefitter-chris-esposito/) is just down the road from us. Recently they put this white wooden horse in the window and I want it! How much is that horsey in the window?

13 November 2009

13 November 2009 Photo: Triskaidekaphobia Take Two

May your day be lucky! I have already had my unlucky day involving a ladder about a month ago. Here is a tribute to an earlier to Friday the 13th. http://wide-angle-lens.blogspot.com/2009/02/13-february-2009-photo.html

12 November 2009 Photo: Swirl Haiku

Spirals are swirling

Ancient symbols in our lives


To read more about spirals, see my previous post on them: http://wide-angle-lens.blogspot.com/2009/01/10-january-2009-photo-spiral.html

11 November 2009

11 November 2009 Photo: I Just Can't Stop Myself

As long as there are leaves left on the trees, I just can't stop myself from taking pictures of them!

10 November 2009

10 November 2009 Photo(s): Today Is Brought To You By The Letter "C"

Happy 40th Anniversary Sesame Street! Like so many others, I spent many hours of my childhood watching the monsters on Sesame Street...Oscar, Big Bird, Bert and Ernie, Snuffy and of course Cookie Monster!!! In honor of this momentous day, I decided to make cookies because C is for cookie...that's good enough for me!

You can let Cookie Monster tell you how it is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=omuBNWP0aCc

08 November 2009

8 November 2009 Photo: Flower Power

Since the weather was so nice this weekend, we did a little yard clean up. This little yellow beauty was hiding under the leaves and just not willing to succumb to the cold weather yet.

07 November 2009

7 November 2009 Photo(s): Glowing

We took a ride to Onondaga Lake Park just as the sun was going down. Despite the fact that Onondaga Lake was the most polluted lake in the United States, it is still pretty to look at; however, I wouldn't do much more than look or you may come out glowing. To see a bit about the history of Onondage Lake, check out this website: http://www.upstatefreshwater.org/html/onondaga_lake.html

06 November 2009

6 November 2009 Photo(s): Cast: TAKE TWO

So I went back to the orthopedist today to get my foot checked on. I was hoping there was not going to be another hard cast involved but that was my wishful thinking. The good news is that it is healing well and the bone has not been dislodged so no surgery necessary. The bad news is I have another hard cast for 3 weeks. However, I can put weight on it and slowly move to one crutch. I decided to go with a lovely red this time around in anticipation for the Christmas holidays. So I guess I still can't drive for 3 more weeks...that is the worst part!

5 November 2009 Photo: Bad Moon Rising?

Last night was the first night I have slept in a bed in over 3 weeks since getting to my bed upstairs is problematic with my broken foot. This was the view from my hotel in Springfield this morning...sun rising with the moon still high in the sky.

4 November 2009 Photo: Phở...Five...Six...

While I was at my conference, I saw my brother and niece and we went out for dinner to get phở. She is five and will be six next month. She is just too cute and I wish I lived closer so I could see her all the time. If you don't know what Phở is, you can check it out here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ph%E1%BB%9F

03 November 2009

3 November 2009 Photo: Crutching My Way To Springfield

So I am a "road warrior" in terms of my job...I travel A LOT! Because of my recent accident, I have not been on the road in about 3 weeks but that ends today. I am off to Springfield for a conference and these crutches are going to be my best friend...and worst enemy.

2 November 2009 Photo: Senior Portrait

It's that time of year that senior portraits are being taken at high schools and colleges across the land. Mona is getting up there in age so I thought it was time for her to get hers taken too. I can't believe she is going to be 10 years old in February. She was just a little peanut when I got her from the farmers market and now she is a big baby who still likes to sleep on top of me.

01 November 2009

1 November 2009 Photo: Daylight Savings Time

We turned our clocks back early this morning...it's like the end of the sun, hence the end of the sunflower!