3 September 2009 Photo(s): Brudders Forever!

I went to go meet up with my friend Angela and her adorable boys today in Burlington. Spencer had a great time playing on all of the equipment at the playground - climbing and swinging like a little monkey. I asked him if his name was Curious George and he quickly told me "NO!" And that look on Spencer's face is just priceless. He was just so proud of himself and how fast he could get across the tires. Reidan is just such a happy little boy...his laugh and smile are just so sweet. I love baby toes...I could just eat them up! I think I should have gotten a vaccination because I have been infected with their cuteness!
:) Thanks Wendy and your magic car!! Use to be people thought I was the cute one...guess those days are long gone...ha ha ha! Happy travels - we look forward to seeing you in Jan!