07 July 2010

3 July 2010: Moses: The Next Generation

"We all grow up with the weight of history on us. Our ancestors dwell in the attics of our brains as they do in the spiraling chains of knowledge hidden in every cell of our bodies." ~Shirley Abbott

I went to our annual Family Reunion this year. I haven't been in several years and the older I get the more I am drawn to going. Why is that when we are younger, we can't be bothered with all the stories and history and as we get older, we can't get enough. Since I lost my mother to cancer at such a young age, I don't have the kind of access that many do and it makes me angry sometimes. As if my mother being taken from me at 17 wasn't bad enough, I sometimes feel like I have been robbed of our history. But then I realize, I have removed myself from it more than anything. My uncles and aunts are still around. My older siblings have more historical knowledge and stories. So as I get older, I recognize my place in this maze that makes up my family. I want to know more about the stories (good and bad). I need to understand where they came from to know where I came from.

So the photos above are of the next generation. The young ones who don't have much of a choice about being at the party since their parents are there and they are having a great time as children can in most situations; but they also don't understand how important it is for them to engage in our family now as they will likely drift away for a bit as many of us do before we return eager to know the history. I loved seeing the kids who have grown up in front of me and the newest members that I had never met. We are all a part of the history, our great grandparents...grandparents ...parents...siblings...
cousins. The Middle Eastern/Lebanese family genes mixed with a plethora of other heritages have created the faces you see above and aren't they just gorgeous!

The Moses clan has come a long way complete with some bumps, bruises, laughter, tears of joy and sorry, successes, failures, but most importantly love and connection.

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