31 March 2009 Photo(s): Spring in NYC
While I was working today, Bill explored St John the Divine. It is an amazing church where construction started in the late 1800's and it still continues today. So our first photo today is from our guest photographer, Bill. Here is a bit from the website about the Cathedral. "The last four decades of the nineteenth century constituted a period of mass immigration into the United States, most of it into the port of New York. Much was made of the slogan that America was the "melting pot" of the world. On the basis of this ideology, all of the progenitors of the new Cathedral insisted that it be built as a "house of prayer for all nations." It was a magnificent concept at the time, and is even more significant today. The location in New York of the United Nations, in 1946, underscored the importance of the idea." It is one of my favorite places in NYC so check it out when you are here. You can find more info here: http://www.stjohndivine.org/history.html
It was such a beautiful day in NYC that we wandered around for a bit in the late afternoon when I was done with my meetings/emails. We sat on a bench in the warm sun to people watch. I captured this dad with his kids walking/running down Columbus Ave also enjoying the arrival of spring. There is nothing better than NYC people watching. Whenever we see someone talking to themselves, we have been playing a little game we are calling..."Bluetooth or Crazy??" On occasion we have to add in..."Bluetooth, Crazy or iPod?"
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