31 March 2009
31 March 2009 Photo(s): Spring in NYC

Here is a bit from the website about the Cathedral. "The last four decades of the nineteenth century constituted a period of mass immigration into the United States, most of it into the port of New York. Much was made of the slogan that America was the "melting pot" of the world. On the basis of this ideology, all of the progenitors of the new Cathedral insisted that it be built as a "house of prayer for all nations." It was a magnificent concept at the time, and is even more significant today. The location in New York of the United Nations, in 1946, underscored the importance of the idea."
It is one of my favorite places in NYC so check it out when you are here. You can find more info here: http://www.stjohndivine.org/history.html

30 March 2009
30 March 2009 Photo: So You Think You Can Dance

29 March 2009
29 March 2009 Photo(s): Finn's Fabulous Fotoshoot

I love the "family portrait" below where I caught Finn being adorable, Molly making sure he was safe and Tom taking a picture in the background. If you want to see more pics of Finn, you can check out their blog at http://babydunne.blogspot.com/
28 March 2009
28 March 2009 Photo: Dog and Cat Tails

The cat tails are spreading their seeds and getting ready for the new season to begin. So as not be to outdone by the cat, Mona also felt the need to spread her seeds all over the park as well by marking her territory.

cat tails,
photo a day,
27 March 2009
27 March 2009 Photo: Handcrafted in Central NY

26 March 2009
26 March 2009 Photo: The Lone Ranger

25 March 2009
25 March 2009 Photo: The Mother of Invention

I love visiting the Eastman House but this day, I got there just as they were closing so I didn't get to see any of the exhibits. Again, if you are in the area and looking for something to do, it is worth the trip to see the history of Kodak!
24 March 2009
24 March 2009 Photo: Chess Anyone?

23 March 2009
23 March 2009 Photo: Isn't That Erie?

Great Lakes,
Lake Erie,
photo a day,
22 March 2009
22 March 2009 Photo(s): Twenty Nine Again...or Not

21 March 2009
21 March 2009 Photo: Bug Eyes

So today's pic was of Alisha wearing my sunglasses. She was yelling "NO PAPARAZZI!" as I was snapping away which is amazing because she is just starting to talk!
bug eyes,
Joe and Anu,
photo a day
20 March 2009
20 March 2009 Photo: iPhone - First Generation

19 March 2009
19 March 2009 Photo: Spring Clean Up

18 March 2009
18 March 2009 Photo: Spring Has Sprung

17 March 2009
17 March 2009 Photo(s): May The Road Rise Up To Meet You

While I am not Irish at all, my husband ONLY claims his Irish heritage so I guess that is enough for both of us. He LOVES all things Irish and Celtic and would move to Ireland if he could. My first trip to Ireland was with him because he wanted to show me his favorite place on earth and is now one of my favorite!
May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again,
may God hold you in the palm of His hand.
16 March 2009
16 March 2009 Photo: No Bull
15 March 2009
15 March 2009 Photo: Beware The Ides of March (or Dog)

14 March 2009
14 March 2009 Photo(s): Luck of the Irish

The first photo is of one of my favorite buildings in downtown Syracuse. The art deco Niagara Mohawk building is an icon in the area. The balloon was escaping from a child's hand as I was snapping pictures. And the photo below was one of my favorite marchers in the parade...
13 March 2009
13 March 2009 Photo: The Luck of the Orange

12 March 2009 Photo: Let's Do The Time Warp Again

11 March 2009 Photo: Hats or Haberdashery

I like the word haberdashery but realized when I looked it up to write this blog that it is actually an obsolete term for hat seller. I think I will start a movement to get this word back into our everyday language.
10 March 2009
10 March 2009 Photo: Cash 4 Gold
9 March 2009 Photo(s): Footprints In My Heart

My Wedding Shower Summer 2005 (below)
I had a trip to Boston coming up for work and Kathy and I had planned to get together. I had recently connected with Jackie again on facebook. And it had been too long since I had seen Heidi. So we started the ball rolling. It has been almost 4 years since all four of us were together and this night, the stars aligned and the reunion happened.

These three women have been part of my life almost forever. They have seen me through the good times and bad, the rediculously funny times and moments when my heart would never seem to mend. We have all had our battles over the years some of which we were there for each other and some we sadly fought alone but when I think of my closest girlfriends from back in the day in Westerly...these are the 3 faces that pop into my head (and my heart).
I know two of these are not photos I took but it had to make the blog.
"Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart." - Eleanor Roosevelt
09 March 2009
8 March 2009 Photo: Getting Rusty

07 March 2009
7 March 2009 Photo(s): A Boy and His Dog

06 March 2009
6 March 2009 Photo: Blue Skies Again

5 March 2009 Photo: Objects in the Rearview Mirror...

05 March 2009
4 March 2009 Photo: Campus Camera

3 March 2009 Photo: Grocery Store Wars

02 March 2009
2 March 2009 Photo: I'll Get You My Pretty

01 March 2009
1 March 2009 Photo: Leaky Pipes

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