31 August 2009
August Ends...Autumn Begins

31 August 2009 Photo: Old McDonald Had A Farm

30 August 2009
30 August 2009 Photo: Barely There

29 August 2009 Photo: X Rated Mosquitoes

28 August 2009
28 August 2009 Photo(s): Alternate Universe
27 August 2009
27 August 2009 Photo: Fall Is Coming

26 August 2009
26 August 2009 Photo: Fly Away Home
25 August 2009
25 August 2009 Photo: Le Petit Moo

24 August 2009
24 August 2009 Photo: Bendy Wendy House

23 August 2009
23 August 2009 Photo: Blowing In The Wind

22 August 2009
22 August 2009 Photo: To Infinity And Beyond

21 August 2009 Photo: Distorted Memories

The photo chosen is actually a former "photo of the day" from back in January - it is the second picture here: http://wide-angle-lens.blogspot.com/2009/01/27-january-2009-photos-serinity-by-sea.html It has been this blog that has really gotten me back into photography and has pushed me to really think about how I can make this hobby a more integral part of my life again. It also led me to joining the Syracuse Photography Association which is filled with amazingly talented people who share great feedback and advice.
So if you are in the area of central NY, come to the fair and check out the photo exhibit!
20 August 2009
19 August 2009
19 August 2009 Photo: Bless This Garden

18 August 2009
18 August 2009 Photo: The Last Of The Lilies

17 August 2009
17 August 2009 Photo(s): Katy Or Charlie

So those of you who check out the blog regularly may recall when I was "Chasing Charlie" a couple weeks ago. I thought that Charlie was a grasshopper but I think I am guilty of mis-labeling this insect. After stalking these bright green creatures all summer (http://wide-angle-lens.blogspot.com/search/label/grasshopper) I finally did a litte research because this latest one was making this strange clicking sound (singing) when Bill found it. Apparently it is related to the grasshopper so I wasn't completely wrong, but it is a katydid.
Anyway, Katy became my model and found herself on assignment in our yard. So do you think this is the same katydid whose picture I first took in early July and late July? I think I see the same sparkle in her/his eye. :)
To find out more about the katydid, check this out http://www.fcps.edu/islandcreekes/ecology/true_katydid.htm.
Oh and the coolest thing...there are bright pink katydids. They look like flamingodids. http://scienceblogs.com/zooillogix/2009/02/rare_pink_katydids.php. I hope I find one of those someday!
16 August 2009
16 August 2009 Photo(s): Fields Of Gold

15 August 2009
15 August 2009 Photo(s): Photo Group Outing

Today we went to the Seward House in Auburn, NY. It is a great museum of a house built in 1816 (just around the time our house was built). It is like stepping back in time to see the antique furniture and collections. You can check out more info here: http://www.sewardhouse.org/house/
The first 2 images are from the house and the last one is from an old abandoned factory I passed on the way home.
14 August 2009
13 August 2009
13 August 2009 Photo: Hard & Soft & Fuzzy
12 August 2009 Photo: Nearly Salsa

11 August 2009
11 August 2009 Photo: Geronimo!

"The 501st Parachute Infantry Regiment's motto and slogan was named after Geronimo. In 1940, the night before their first mass jump, U.S. paratroopers at Fort Benning watched the 1939 film Geronimo, in which the actor playing Geronimo yells his name as he leaps from a high cliff into a river, depicting a real-life escape Geronimo successfully attempted in which he jumped off Medicine Bluff into the Medicine Creek with his Cadillac horse. Private Aubrey Eberhardt announced he would shout the name when he jumped from the airplane to prove he was not scared. The trend has since caught on elsewhere, becoming widely associated with any sort of high jump in popular culture."
10 August 2009
10 August 2009 Photo: "Beach" Blanket Bingo

09 August 2009
9 August 2009 Photo: Prickly But Pretty And Purple

08 August 2009
8 August 2009 Photo(s): The Scottish/Redneck Games

It seemed like there were a lot of men throwing things that probably shouldn't have been thrown (heavy weights by the Scots and hubcaps by the Rednecks). They both had music, food (with long lines) and beer. Both groups where wearing unusual clothes by main stream standards. I must say that the music at the Scottish Games was better and the humor factor at the Redneck Games was slightly higher. All in all, there were different cultures experience today.
7 August 2009 Photo: Polka Dots & Stripes
06 August 2009
6 August 2009 Photo(s): Old School Brownies

5 August 2009 Photo: Roaming Gnomes

04 August 2009
4 August 2009 Photo: Sailors Take Warning

In order to understand why “Red sky at night, sailor’s delight. Red sky in morning, sailor’s warning” can predict the weather, we must understand more about weather and the colors in the sky.
Usually, weather moves from west to east, blown by the westerly trade winds. This means storm systems generally move in from the West.
The colors we see in the sky are due to the rays of sunlight being split into colors of the spectrum as they pass through the atmosphere and ricochet off the water vapor and particles in the atmosphere. The amounts of water vapor and dust particles in the atmosphere are good indicators of weather conditions. They also determine which colors we will see in the sky.
During sunrise and sunset the sun is low in the sky, and it transmits light through the thickest part of the atmosphere. A red sky suggests an atmosphere loaded with dust and moisture particles. We see the red, because red wavelengths (the longest in the color spectrum) are breaking through the atmosphere. The shorter wavelengths, such as blue, are scattered and broken up.
Red sky at night, sailors delight.When we see a red sky at night, this means that the setting sun is sending its light through a high concentration of dust particles. This usually indicates high pressure and stable air coming in from the west. Basically good weather will follow.
Red sky in morning, sailor’s warning. A red sunrise reflects the dust particles of a system that has just passed from the west. This indicates that a storm system may be moving to the east. If the morning sky is a deep fiery red, it means a high water content in the atmosphere. So, rain is on its way.
The above is from http://www.loc.gov/rr/scitech/mysteries/weather-sailor.html
02 August 2009
2 August 2009 Photo: The Itsy Bitsy Spider
01 August 2009
1 August 2009 Photo: Ithaca IS Gorges