29 January 2009

29 January 2009 Photo: Champ the Lake Monster

On my way home today, I took the ferry across Lake Champlain. It is something that I have done several times over the last few years and it never gets boring. I love seeing the Adirondacks on one side and the Green Mountains on the other side. Since it is the dead of winter, the lake is frozen. While I prefer this trip in the fall when the colors are vibrant, the winter is pretty cool too.

My friend Brad was also on his way to NY so I convinced him to go on the ferry as well. As we hit the ice and watched it/heard it crack, Brad asked..."Haven't these people ever seen the movie, Titanic?" Ha! I gave him a lesson on Champ, The Lake Monster. If look close at this picture, you can almost see Champ lurking in the deep dark icy waters, can't you? If you can't, maybe Champ is visiting his cousin Nessie over in Scotland for the winter.

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