31 December 2009
31 December 2009 Photo: Once In A Blue Moon

30 December 2009
30 December 2009 Photo: Frequent Flyer Miles

Here is a little history about the Flexible Flyer: http://www.ehow.com/about_5087180_history-antique-flexible-flyer-sleds.html
29 December 2009
29 December 2009 Photo: Footprints On My Heart

28 December 2009 Photo: Boom Boom Pow!

27 December 2009
27 December 2009 Photo(s): The Ocean House

I was happy to see The Ocean House rebuild in the final stages. The Ocean House was one of my favorite places when I was growing up. I used to go there when it was closed in the winter and sit on the porch to think and reflect. The Ocean House was built in the mid 1800's and torn down a few years ago because it was in such disrepair. They rebuilt it so that the outside of it looks almost identical to the original. It is one place I would like to stay before I die! Every time I look at it, I see the people of the late 1800's and early 1900's enjoying their days by the ocean. You can see what the old one looked like here: http://www.pbase.com/mybigboy/image/55932290
26 December 2009
26 December 2009 Photo: Defying Gravity
25 December 2009 Photo(s): A Tale Of Two Cities

24 December 2009 Photo(s): Twas The Night Before Christmas...

The 5 cousins, who have made their appearance in the blog before, are above in the official cousin picture of the year! It was pig pile on Jared year!
My niece went around putting her antlers on many people to get them to catch her infectious excitement...and with that smile it spread like the swine flu or the reindeer flu!
You will see money being given in multiple formats because when the kids say they want money, we can't just put it in a card and call it a day. No, we have to make it more fun. This year I made my oldest nephew play "Jeopardy" to get his money. He also got "dough" baked in Pillsbury dough because that's how he "rolls".
It was a great night and we have another year to recover before we do it all over again! I hope you Christmas was wonderful as mine!
23 December 2009 Photo: Snowman Tree

22 December 2009
22 December 2009 Photo(s): The Spirit(s) Of Christmas

It has been quite a year for us - my brother was in the hospital during Christmas last year, my sister had kidney cancer in the spring, my nephew broke his arm, I broke my ankle and assorted other aches and pains as we get older. Luckily this Christmas season we are all relatively healthy (or at least healthier) and will be gathered in a few days to celebrate the season.
As we enter into this year's Christmas festivities, I am happy to have my family around me and remember those that are not here. Today would have been my mother's birthday and while she is not here with us physically, I know she is here in my "spirit" of Christmas!
21 December 2009
21 December 2009 Photo: Turkey Bling

20 December 2009 Photo: Our Newest Family Members

19 December 2009
19 December 2009 Photo: Retro Christmas

18 December 2009
18 December 2009 Photo: A Little Bird House In My Soul

17 December 2009 Photo: Winter Weeds
16 December 2009
16 December 2009 Photo: Tied In Knots

I was going outside to take pictures of the snow but it was really cold outside so I only made it as far as the mudroom.
15 December 2009
15 December 2009 Photo: Chotskies

Now my stuff while useless, it is valuable at least to me. Since I looked up the definition and it mentioned Weird Al's song, I had to go check it out and here it is if you have a few minutes of your life you never want to get back! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HYokLWfqbaU
14 December 2009 Photo: Hot Air/Cold Air

13 December 2009
13 December 2009 Photo: O Christmas Tree

12 December 2009 Photo(s) & Video: An Nollaig

Below is a short video I took to give you a taste of the show we saw in Geneva. Yes I know the video flips toward the end...sorry. What do you want, I'm a photographer, not a videographer! :)
11 December 2009
11 December 2009 Photo: I Saw The Sign

10 December 2009 Photo: Holiday Party

9 December 2009 Photo:
8 December 2009 Photo: Stop Following Me

7 December 2009 Photo: Pillow Gate Update

06 December 2009
6 December 2009 Photo: Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow

The photo below was taken en route of all big fluffy snow. We barely got any snow in Syracuse which is just fine with me!

05 December 2009
December 5 2009 Photo(s): Candymania Part Deux

Fun fact #1: I grew up with my mother making this candy every Christmas. We always called it Mom's Famous Candy and I assumed it was her recipe (not that she ever said that). I saw an almost exact recipe in a cookbook once - someone must have copied hers. Right?
Fun fact #2: This candy was the favor at our wedding. My sister made 14 or 15 sheets of it and brought to RI in a separate suitcase on a plane all the way from Georgia. Can you imagine if they asked to inspect that suitcase? HAHA
UPDATE FROM PILLOWGATE: I have made 5 calls to the General Manager of the hotel...she has not called me back! Does that mean I can call the authorities on her? Or maybe the owners of the hotel?
04 December 2009
4 December 2009 Photo(s): Oompa Loompas Hard At Work
03 December 2009
3 December 2009 Photo(s) & Video: The Pillow Thief

2 December 2009 Photo(s): The Biggest Little State In The Union