The lights of Broadway...Broadway St in Saratoga Springs that is!
The Jamesville Balloon Festival is coming and so is our annual party! Can't wait...
We have a couple areas in our yard that has ivy. I HATE IT! It is so invasive and I want it to magically go away!
One of the many art sculptures on the streets of Charlotte! I think it is a Martian Chicken.
The view from our room on the 23rd floor of the Westin in Charlotte, NC.
I love how you can see the rain lines in the background of this was a total accident. Photo surprises are awesome except when you try to recreate them and can't!
Happy Birthday to me! :)
I have mentioned our MacKenzie-Childs dinner bell before and here is a picture of it. It is a forged iron piece hanging on the front of our house. Today as we were doing some yard work, I rang it a few times to ring in spring!
It was another beautiful day on this first day of spring. We took a ride out to Onondaga Lake Park for a short walk and a few pictures. Syracuse is (or was) known as the Salt City. Back in the day the salt industry created the City of Syracuse and supplied the entire nation with salt!
First day of spring is tomorrow and our grass is already growing (at least the patches above the septic). Bill will be excited to get back on the riding mower soon!
Another one of Bill's "green man" carvings. In celebration of spring yet again. You will find a bit more about the green man from a previous post:
Happy St Patrick's Day. This not a very St Patty's type picture at first glance, but there is a leprechaun hiding behind that tree. Can't you see him?

I went back to my old stomping grounds for some meetings and indulged myself with some HDR photos of the gorges.
Do you ever feel like someone is watching you and copying your every move??
Hey I have been doing this for two years...sometimes you are going to get pictures of not so exciting items!
Bill likes statues, gargoyles, stonework, etc. I am not sure what this one is celebrating with his bottle of champagne but he is guarding Bill's "beer fridge" in the garage!
Finally the spring thaw has warmed us is almost time to get the fans out!
In a moment of weakness as I was driving through NYC, I bought a new lense that I have wanted for almost a year. Happy Early Birthday to me!
I guess it was a good thing that I picked up this penny I found. I got a call from Bill telling me that his brakes went out in the truck while he was driving to work. What?!?! Luckily, all was fine and the brakes did not go out completely...he just had to push them all the way down to the floor to stop! A few hundred bucks later and all is fine...I guess I better start finding more pennies, dimes, dollars to pay for the new brake line.
Yes I am playing with liquid got a problem with that!?!
Mona doesn't always quite get that she is not a teacup dog that can walk on top of the icy topped snow. Bill dug out a path for her to "do her business" but she insists on exploring further and falling through the snow!
I have driven by this dome many times in my life and always assumed it was some kind of church or cultural building. I was very surprised when I started doing some research on it that it was the home of the Colt Firearms Manufacuturer. When I drove by it yesterday, I finally decided to figure out where to get closest to it to photograph it. You can read more about it here:
Captured this picture out of my car window while driving through Hartford - AKA the insurance city!
If only our train system was better in the U.S., I would spend a lot less time in my car!